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8 Dos and Don’ts for Aerobic System Maintenance

Approximately 21 million households utilize aerobic systems-not public sewers- to trap and filter waste from their domestic wastewater. Your septic tanks may require regular inspections and preventative maintenance to keep them fully functional while avoiding costly repairs. Here is a simple guide to routine practices that you may carry out while using an aerobic system in your home. Here are the dos:

1. Regularly Inspect Your Septic System

While your aerobic system may be highly effective, it may require periodic inspections, septic tank cleaning, and emptying. Routine maintenance can help significantly increase the life service for your septic system. Gravity systems may require cleaning every three years, pressure distribution systems every year as do mound or sand filter systems.

2. Pump Out Whenever Necessary

As the septic company carries out its inspection, they may recommend pumping your septic tank. The frequency depends on several factors, including the size of the tanks, amount of water used in the household, among others. Generally, residential septic systems require pumping after every three to five years.

3. Be Water-wise

You may need to control water usage within the home. Too much water is a frequent factor in failed aerobic systems. It also causes your tank to fill up faster, requiring frequent pumping.

4. Use Licensed, Certified Companies

Your aerobic system should be repaired or maintained by certified maintenance providers. There’s a lot more to servicing a septic tank than adding chlorine tablets. Research and verify the experience of the maintenance team sent to our home.

Here are don’ts:

1. Flush Solids Down the Drains

Avoid putting just anything down the toilets or the drains. Solids and grease that flush down the septic pipes may require treatment and contribute to the sludge buildup. Your aerobic system is designed to treat domestic wastewater.

2. Pour Harsh Chemicals in Your Toilets

Chemicals destroy the bacteria in your aerobic system that are necessary to break down the solids. The chemicals are also corrosive, eating away your drainage pipe. Find appropriate ways to dispose of the chemicals by contacting your local public health hazard waste line.

3. Park Cars or Trucks on Your Drainfield or Reserve Area

Heavy machinery resting over your septic tanks can pack down the soils over the aerobic system, leading to system failure. Additionally, you can prevent your pipes from breaking from the extra weight. Additionally, avoid planting your flower garden over the septic tanks. Full tanks may require immediate attention, and you do not wish to hold back the septic company from destroying your flowers while your home is bubbling in waste.

4. Add Septic Tank Additives

Homeowners are often trying new products for their septic tank service, some that aren’t approved by the local Department of health. The products may be harmful, adding extra solids to the system. Additionally, the chemicals can pollute ground and surface water. This includes the use of swimming pool chlorine tablets as chlorinators. Only calcium hypochlorite tablets are approved for treating domestic wastewater.

Never Compromise on Maintenance

Homeowners switching from municipal sewer to an aerobic system may have a challenge adapting to the new lifestyle. The tips above can help you maintain your sewer tanks, keeping them in top shape for decades. For more information on septic tank service and maintenance, contact Red Dirt Septic.